FEB 14, 2025
Proposed delay to Maryland Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance program
The Maryland Department of Labor announced today a proposed delay to the Maryland Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (MD FAMLI) program. The Department is working with legislative leadership to extend the implementation dates as follows:
- Payroll deductions would begin January 1, 2027 (currently July 1, 2025)
- Benefits would become available on January 1, 2028 (currently July 1, 2026)
The Maryland Department of Labor cites multiple reasons for the delay but says the primary reason is that more time is needed to ensure the best program possible for Marylanders. The delay also allows the state time to evaluate the impacts of state budget concerns and recent federal funding decisions that may impact workers and state programs.
Until the legislature takes action to enact this change, it remains a proposed delay. Unum Government Affairs will provide updates as legislative activity develops. At the same time, Government Affairs will closely monitor developments in the other three states currently implementing PFML programs (DE, ME, MN).
For additional detail, see the Maryland Department of Labor press release.
Please contact your Unum representative if you have any questions.