EOI streamlined with HR tech solutions

Seamless integration with APIs 

December 18, 2024

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are transforming the way companies handle benefits enrollment, bringing seamless experiences to employers and employees alike.

Historically, it was rare for different HR systems — payroll, benefits administration and absence management — to easily communicate and share data. By facilitating the exchange of data between applications, APIs allow different applications to use each other's features. For example:

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    HCM systems can utilize an insurance carrier's API to manage enrollment processes.
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    Payroll systems can share employee data with a benefits administration platform. 
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    Evidence of Insurability (EOI) applications can integrate with HCM systems.

93% of employers agree integrating HR and benefits data is important.1

Employers cite the lack of integration as a major challenge

Companies with greater than 500 employees especially agree that lack of integration has an impact on their organization.1

Impact of lack of fully integrated HR data

The chart shows that 51% of employers cite the lack of fully integrated HR data as a major impact, 34% saying it is a minor impact and 15% saying it has no impact.

While EOI is required for employees to get the coverage they need, it presents a well-known challenge for administrators.

The manual process requires administrators to coordinate between employees, employers and insurance carriers for information requests. It’s a paper chase that’s time-consuming for HR and aggravating for employees — one that could sorely benefit from integration.

Deep integration makes EOI a breeze

APIs can offer badly needed integration, but when they only share basic employee data, they don't resolve the day-to-day challenges faced by most HR departments.

That’s where deeper benefits integration comes in. By creating nearly seamless connections between various systems at the functional level, deep integration can reduce friction for both employers and employees through simple self-service enrollment, secure data transfer and the end of manual data entry.

If an employee elects additional coverage that requires Evidence of Insurability, these API-enabled integrations eliminate the need to input the same information into a new digital form — it’s automatically transferred over. The employee only needs to answer a few additional questions, not start all over with basic info.

Rather than waiting several weeks to get an answer, they will get a decision in seconds. Back-end algorithms and underwriting processes allow for quick responses. Approximately 85% of applicants will get an instant decision.2



87% of employers plan to invest more in data integration in some way.1

Look for tailored options for your specific needs

While digital EOI is a major advance for employers and their employees, you want to select a carrier who provides a solution that meets your specific needs, and not a one-size-fits-all approach. Here are a few possible options:
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    If you use an HCM like Workday®, ADP® or UKG®, you'll want an integrated app that embeds EOI into the system you're already using.
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    If you self-manage employee eligibility, the best solution may be a custom web link that leads to a secure online portal specific to your business.
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    You can also get an enrollment link that’s automatically emailed to employees or provided to a plan administrator.
Whichever option suits your company, look for a streamlined process that simply requires answering a few personalized questions, tailored to the applicant’s needs, while they apply for coverage. When a coverage decision can't be made instantly, the applicant will usually need to provide additional medical information or complete a paramedical exam.

Choosing the right digital enrollment solution

Streamlined EOI, while essential, must be complemented with education and enrollment support. Educating your employees about the benefits available to them is a key part of recruiting and retaining top talent. Overworked HR teams often don’t have time to help individual employees troubleshoot enrollment issues or sift through the details of different policies.

The right carrier can help — they know their product, and the market for that product, better than almost anyone. Beyond an easy enrollment experience, look for a carrier that offers robust, on-demand support as well as a comprehensive library of educational resources. This should include automated support like chatbots, as well as easy access to live support via email or phone.


Two-thirds of small organizations say they will rely more heavily on carrier-provided technology in five years.3

Similarly, your HR team can’t track the individual enrollment progress of every single employee. Your carrier, however, should be able to offer automated email reminders to employees who have not yet completed enrollment.

The transformation of HR tech has turned one of the biggest enrollment headaches into a simple task. As you look for a carrier, consider what digital approach to EOI works best for your business and select a partner who will tailor their product to your needs.

Explore our innovative solutions for today's toughest workforce challenges.

1 Unum Market View, HR technology and benefits data integration, 2024.
2 Unum internal data, 2023.
3 LIMRA and EY: Harnessing Growth and Seizing Opportunity, 2023 Workforce Benefits Study, July 2023.

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