Navigating your disability benefits and taxes

This page is your go-to resource for understanding how your employee benefits intersect with your tax obligations. HR professionals and employers can access helpful resources to understand the tax implications of employee benefits and sort out the complexities of calculating the taxability of certain benefits.

For plan-specific details, visit your MyUnum for Clients account or contact the Unum Tax Reporting Group at 1-800-845-2290.

Essential resources

These resources are crucial for understanding the intricacies of disability benefits taxes. They offer clear guidelines and tools to ensure that your fully insured short-term disability (STD) and long term-disability (LTD) benefits, statutory disability plans and check-cutting self-insured STD and LTD are calculated accurately and efficiently. 
man at desk looking at screen

Disability tax essentials 

The straightforward way to understand tax information for short-term disability benefits and statutory disability plans

  • Taxable vs. nontaxable benefits
  • W2s
  • Employer FICA match
woman at desk looking at phone

Group disability tax handbook

An essential guide to understanding federal income tax rules for group disability plans

  • Align benefit plans with your tax objectives
  • Maintain tax compliance
  • Comprehend complex tax rules
two worker looking at screen

Benefits funding and taxability guide

A step-by-step guide to calculating the taxable portion of group benefits

  • Prevent disadvantaging high-contributing employees
  • Ensure fair share for each employee
  • Accommodate growing coverage choices
woman on laptop

How the IRS taxes Unum insurance benefits and premiums

Discover how insurance benefits are taxed and the differences between pre- and post-taxed premiums

  • Which Unum benefits are taxable
  • How taxable benefits are reported
  • Designing a tax-effective benefit plan

Need forms or information specific to this process?

The above resources will guide you through how your Unum benefits are taxed, but the IRS website is still the best place to view the latest tax information and updated forms.