hr connect infographic

Save time, cut costs with ADP Workforce Now and HR Connect

ADP Workforce Now is a cloud-based Human Capital Management (HCM) system that simplifies, streamlines and automates HR functions like time and attendance, payroll and benefits. 

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Here’s how ADP Workforce Now + HR Connect from Unum work together to modernize and simplify your benefits experience.

If you’re offering Unum benefits to your employees, choosing ADP means you can access our free HR Connect integration, for easy, painless benefits administration.

ADP Workforce Now
HR Connect
Plan set-up icon
Simple plan set-up
ADP Workforce Now
Puts your benefits plans at your fingertips, for simple retrieval, changes and payroll deductions.
HR Connect
Builds your plans and automatically uploads them into ADP Workforce Now. All you have to do is take a few minutes to confirm.
Enrollment icon
ADP Workforce Now
Lets employees quickly and easily enroll in benefits online.
HR Connect
Automatically syncs benefit selections, employee information and any future changes with Unum, dramatically reducing manual data entry.
EOI icon
ADP Workforce Now
Allows employees to answer medical questions online during enrollment when necessary to receive the coverage they want.
HR Connect
Prepopulates the EOI interface, so employees only answer relevant questions. Provides immediate coverage decisions.
Billing icon
ADP Workforce Now
Lets you view, categorize and pay your bill online.
HR Connect
Syncs coverage data in real time, virtually eliminating the need for reconciliation and providing accurate bills month after month.
* EOI (Evidence of Insurability)